The My Instructional Workforce Composition dashboard summarizes, by instructor type, employee title group, and rank, trends in teaching effort for the current and prior four years, differentiating those teaching, on leave, in administrative positions, and otherwise not teaching.
The My Appointed Workforce Teaching in Home Unit vs Other Units dashboard provides the "home unit" with trend data regarding where their appointed personnel’s instructional effort has been invested in teaching courses—whether this is in the home unit, in other departments within the RC, and/or in other schools. Headcounts are displayed by title group and employee rank, as well as the schools and departments where their effort was dedicated over the current and prior four years.
The What Courses are My Instructional Workforce Teaching dashboard provides, by title group and rank, course details for teaching by a unit’s instructional workforce. Details regarding course campus, RC, department, course level, instruction mode, and course components are displayed and available to filter effort by semester for the year selected.
The My Courses Taught by Home vs Other Appointed Workforce dashboard provides details regarding the breakdown of home unit courses taught by home unit appointed workforce vs appointed instructors from other units for the current and four prior years. The instructor, title group, and ranks are presented, as well as instructors’ home campus, school, and department.